Audience: All UNL staff with HR and/or financial responsibilities.
Business Intelligence Reporting pulls SAP data into pre-constructed reports that are commonly needed by UNL HR and financial staff. These reports are easily created and manipulated in BI Reporting, and the user can easily sort, include/exclude data, as needed. The structure of BI Reporting is intuitive, flexible and easy to navigate.
All Reports
- Use SAP data that is refreshed nightly
- Can be customized to include only the needed data, including many fields not readily available in SAP reports
- Can be easily downloaded to Excel or as a pdf
Financial Reports
- Can be run on both cost centers and WBS elements
- Automatically exclude benefits on state-aided cost centers and display revenue or budget where appropriate depending on the funding source
HR Reports
- Can be run for individual org units or for an entire group of org units using the built-in hierarchy function
- Include many HR reports that are not available in SAP
- Can be customized to include only the needed data, including many fields not readily available in SAP reports
Org Management Reports
- Display data about positions that are set up in SAP's org management module under a specific org unit, including:
- Staff positions that have been classified by Human Resources
- Approved faculty positions
- Pooled positions such as graduate assistants, student workers and volunteers/affiliates
- All org management reports pull positions for specified org unit(s) and key date, which allows for both current and historical reporting. The org unit hierarchy feature allows reporting on entire areas or specific org units.
Get Started
1. Login to Firefly
Login to Firefly using your TrueYou credentials. If you have not yet claimed your TrueYou identity, please visit the TrueYou Identity Manager to do so.
Additionally, to access Business Intelligence Reporting, you must complete a security request for access to "SAP/BI Reporting." The online security request is found in Firefly under the header "Business Applications." Select the "Firefly Security Request" tile.
2. Access BI Reporting
After security has been granted, Business Intelligence Reporting is a tile in Firefly under the header "Business Applications." After opening Business Intelligence Reporting:
- Click on the large tile "Business Intelligence Resources" for information and instructions about using BI Reporting, or
- Select the BI Reports category of your choice -- Budget, Financial, HR, or Org Mgmt -- to begin accessing data
Learn More About It
For live instructor-led training via Zoom, register in Bridge for Business Intelligence Reporting.
This printable Business Intelligence guide provides information about the Business Intelligence reporting system and how to access specific human resources and financial reports.
Additional Resources
Read about Bridge, the University of Nebraska's learning management system for employees.
Need Assistance? Email Dana Abu Swailem at