Employee Subgroup is part of Master Data so is related to position. Employee Subgroup represents a category of employee. To process an employee as a new hire, knowing the employee subgroup of the position you are filling will help you make several decisions including what form to use and what your source of data will be.
This two character code describes the category of employee (letter) and how the employee is paid (number) which determines the pay cycle (1=salaried, paid monthly; 2=paid by the hour on a biweekly pay schedule, 6=biweekly-Agricultural employees, 0=non-payroll).
FACULTYAcademic Admin - Salary (M1) | STAFFRegular Administrative - Salary (N1) |
STUDENT EMPLOYEESGraduate Assistants (D1, D2) | UNPAIDSVolunteer Without Pay (V0) |
*Not used on UNL City Campus