Infotype 0008 displays payroll start information. Key information is the pay amount and the wage type.
Note: The data entered into this infotype initiates payroll for salaried employees. Therefore, if IT0008 is set up incorrectly for a monthly employee, that employee would not be paid.
- Start: Displays the start date for pay
- End: The end date will always display 12/31/999 for the current record.
If a mid-month date is entered for either the start or end date for a monthly-paid employee, pay for that month will be prorated to a partial amount. - Wage Type: Wage types assign the payment or deduction method that distributes an employee's pay. Infotype 0008 shows each wage type assigned to an employee and dollar amount distributed for each wage type. The PAF Codes Sheet provides a list of all wage types.
- Amount: Specifies the amount the employee is paid each full month.