The Compensatory Time Agreement is to notify hourly employees of their option to accept overtime payment or compensatory time off when they have worked more than 40 hours in a work week, which begins at 11:01 p.m. Thursday and continues through 11:00 p.m. the following Thursday. Compensatory time is accumulated time as pay for approved absences in the future. Both overtime and compensatory time are granted at one and one-half hours for every hour worked above 40 in a work week.
The form is required for all hourly-paid, non-student hires (A2, B2, C2, C6, F2, K2, L2, W2, Y2, Z2), regardless of FTE. An employee may elect to change their selection at any time by completing a new form and submitting it to their cognizant Time Coordinator. It is important the Time Coordinator is aware of an employee’s selection on this form.
Visit for more information on Compensatory Time for Hourly Paid Employees policy.
- Receipt of this form nor information from the form is kept in SAP. A copy of this form should be given to the department’s Time Coordinator, if they are not the person completing the new hire or rehire paperwork with the employee.
- SAPPHIRE (direct download)
Completing the Compensatory Time Agreement
The employee should indicate if they agree to compensatory time off in lieu of overtime or not, by placing an ‘X’ by either Agree or Do not agree. The Employee Signature and Date are required. If known, the Personnel Number should also be completed. The employee’s signature is required and acknowledges the information on the form is accurate.
John is hourly and works 42 hours in a work week
Overtime = John is paid for 43 hours for the work week
Compensatory time = John is paid for 40 hours for the work week and banks 3 hours of CME (compensatory time earned) to be used as an approved absence, or time off, in the future.