The Direct Deposit form requests banking information for the direct deposit of an employee’s paycheck and is required upon hire or rehire. Pursuant to State of Nebraska Accounting policies (#40 & #41) for state employees, payments of all wages, stipends and expense reimbursements will be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT/Direct Deposit) to an employee’s choice of a financial institution or to a state authorized debit card.
The preferred solution for employees who do not have a bank account is to open one with a local bank. If the employee is unable to do so, they must enroll to receive a US bank focus card, which is a prepaid debit card in which their paycheck can be deposited. The UNL USB Focus Card Disclosure form and UNL USB Focus Card FAQs Flyer should be provided to the employee, and the UNL USB Focus Card Enrollment Form should be completed by the employee and included with the new hire or rehire paperwork right behind the Direct Deposit form. Payroll Services will extract the application and forward it to NeBIS for processing. The Focus Card Disclosure form, FAQs flyer and enrollment form, can all be found in SAPPHIRE (click here).
- Bank details from an employee's direct deposit form are populated in SAP infotype IT0009.
- SAPPHIRE (direct download)
Completing the Direct Deposit Form
The employee’s Last Name, First Name, and Home Dept. Name are required and may be completed by the HR representative preparing the new hire or rehire paperwork, or the employee. If known, the Personnel # and Campus Work Address, and Work Phone should also be completed.
The Payroll Type and all fields to the right of Option 1 are required and should be completed by the employee. This includes selecting Add, Change, or Cancel, the Financial Institution Name, Routing/Transit #, Account Number, and selecting if the account is Checking or Savings.
A preprinted original or photocopy of a blank check, a voided check, or another document from the financial institution showing a preprinted routing and account number, associated with the account listed for Option 1 on the form, is required. This required attachment is needed for each option or financial institution listed, and if submitting via DocuSign, must be 5MB or less in size.
If an employee has more than one financial institution or bank account that they’d like a portion of their paycheck to go into, they may add additional accounts in Options 2-4. These have the same required information as Option 1 with the addition of a required $ Amount (not percentage). A preprinted original or photocopy of a blank check, a voided check, or top of a financial statement or direct deposit form directly from the financial institution showing a preprinted account number, is needed for each option or financial institution listed on the form.
The employee’s signature is required and acknowledges the information on the form is accurate.
Ongoing changes to an employee’s direct deposit banking information should be made by the employee in Firefly (Employee Self Service > Bank Direct Deposit).