The UNL Foreign National Data Form is an internal form that collects additional information from NRA employees such as arrival and departure dates and their current, and any past, visas. It is required for all NRA employees. Payroll uses the information to determine an NRA’s SPT date as well as their tax treaty eligibility. Copies of supporting documentation for any past visas and each entry into the U.S. must be included with the new hire paperwork.
- The visa information and arrival and departure dates from an employee’s UNL Foreign National Data Form are populated in SAP infotype IT0210.
- SAPPHIRE (direct download)
Completing the Foreign National Data Form
The employee’s Last Name and First Name are required and should match the names listed on their passport or visa. The rest of the form should be completed entirely with Date of Transfer and U.S Entries and Exits only needing to be completed if applicable. Have the employee attach a separate piece of paper for additional entries beyond what there is room for on the form.
The employee’s signature and date is required and acknowledges the information on the form is accurate and that they will notify Payroll of any status changes.