Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card, is issued by the USCIS to an alien granted Lawfully Admitted for Permanent Residence (LAPR) authorization. It is also known as a “green card”. Holder has the right to live and work permanently in the U.S., hence this status does not expire. Most cards, however, are only valid for 10 years.
A Conditional Permanent Resident is given the same I-551 card as a LAPR except the conditional status expires at the same time the card expires, after 2 years. They are treated as lawfully admitted for permanent residence during the 2-year validity period. Application to remove the conditions of permanent residence must be made prior to the conditional card expiring.
Previous versions of the card are all slightly different; some may not contain an expiration date. See examples on the USCIS website here.
An I-551 Temporary Evidence Stamp on the individual’s passport or visa may be used in lieu of Form I-551, in certain circumstances, and may contain an expiration date.
- Name matches passport
- Unexpired (expiration date is on face of card)
Information from an employee's Form I-551 is populated in SAP infotype IT0094.
Form I-551 Example
