Affiliate/Volunteer PAF

Affiliates and volunteers (which includes adjunct faculty) are individuals who are not paid by or receive benefits from the University but need access to non-public information, services, or physical areas of the campus. Affiliates/volunteers/adjunct faculty are entered into SAP via the Affiliate/Volunteer PAF so that necessary UNL-provided services can be provisioned through the Identity Management system.

  • A UNL department "sponsors" the affiliate or volunteer and is responsible for maintaining their record on an ongoing basis. This ensures that the data is kept current, and services are provisioned and deprovisioned on a timely basis.
  • Prior to beginning an Affiliate/Volunteer PAF, always search SAP for an existing employee record using the person's name and birth date to determine if the person already has a record in SAP. Because UNL does not request a social security number from an Affiliate/Volunteer, it can be challenging to find a past SAP record for the person. Please pay particular attention to this critical step, which prevents a duplication of employee records.
  • Email, Canvas, and wireless service (UNL Air) are available as soon as the NUID is generated. Parking, door access and access to Campus Recreation require a physical NCard that displays the NUID. 24 hours after the NUID is generated, the Affiliate/Volunteer may pick up their NCard at a cost of $20, which may be paid by the individual with cash/check/credit card or with a cost object provided by the sponsoring department. The NCard Office is located on the first floor of the City Campus Union.

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