Keep Services Active (KSA) is a date type that can be added to an active employee's IT0019 Monitoring of Tasks record in SAP for the purpose of allowing services to continue when there is a break between two active appointments. The KSA bridges the gap between the two active appointments. For example, a lecturer who is appointed for the academic year but will be rehired for the next year can have a Keep Services Active date of September 30th entered in SAP so services will continue over the summer when there is no active appointment.
A KSA should only be used for active employees where there is a reasonable expectation that the employee will have a new appointment in the future. KSAs are generally used to bridge the summer gap between spring and fall appointments for faculty members.
- A KSA must be entered before the current appointment expires so that there is no break in services. A KSA will NOT restore services that have already expired.
- A KSA must be limited to less than a year – A KSA cannot be used to extend services more than a year beyond last appointment’s end.
Prohibited Uses
A KSA must not be used for the following employee types:
- Separated Employees
- Graduate Students (GRA or GTA)
- Undergraduate Students
- Emeriti
- Volunteers/Affiliates
- Staff
There are two processes for requesting a KSA and the choice of process is based on whether the department is certain that the employee will have a future appointment when submitting paperwork for the initial appointment.
- When a reappointment is certain, a KSA can be added in the "Date Specifications" section on the Personnel Data form (for new or rehired employees) or the Update/Change PAF (for active employees) for the new appointment so that the KSA is in place when the first appointment ends, thereby preventing any break in service between the appointments.
- If a reappointment is not certain at the time of the initial PAF, it can be entered later, but it MUST be requested and entered before the appointment expires. Such requests must be submitted via the KSA request form. The following information is required to complete the form:
- Employee Personnel #
- KSA Until date
- Justification for KSA
- Names of two department approvers
After KSA request is approved by both approvers, it is routed to Payroll Services for approval and entry into SAP.
NOTE: Multiple requests may be submitted on one KSA Request form.
All KSAs are entered into SAP by Payroll Services.