NOTE: The information provided below is specific to the New Hire/Rehire fillable .pdf PAF. Some of the fields and selections on the New Hire/Rehire ePAF may be slightly different; the UNL ePAF New Hire-Rehire Entry Instructions should be followed for the electronic action.
Enter the position number and title as it appears in the approved PeopleAdmin requisition or SAP. If a position number for the appointment does not yet exist, complete the UNL New Position Form or contact the Budget Office at 402-472-0843 or IANR departments should contact the IANR Budget Office at 402-472-2871.
The checkbox next to Separate at end of Appointment is optional. If this box is checked, the employee will be separated at the end of their primary appointment without having to submit a Separation PAF.
Employee Subgroup
See Employee Subgroup Code (ESG) in the PAF Coding section of this manual. If the employee subgroup is D1, D2, S1, or S2, the Credit Hours field must be completed. A student's credit hours can be found in MyRed, UNL's primary student information system. Access to MyRed can be requested from the Registrar's website.
Pay Dates
The Pay Dates are the dates that payroll will be effective. The Start date is the first date of hire or the letter of offer start date. The End date is 12/31/9999 for permanent appointments, or the date provided in the offer letter if the appointment is temporary. For academic appointments, see the PAF Dates for AY 20XX-20XX document found in SAPPHIRE. For faculty and Graduate Assistants whose academic year/semester contracts require equal monthly payments regardless of actual semester dates worked, the From date is always the first day of the month. For MO employees, any dates other than the first of the calendar month will pro-rate their monthly salary.
Organizational Assignment
Enter the numeric percent of insured benefits for which the new or rehired employee is eligible, rounding up to the nearest 5% increment. Base this number on the actual FTE the employee plans to work during the contract period (e.g.: 100% for 12 months, 50% for 12 months, 100% for 10 months, 75% for 9 months, etc.), or if the employee is Not Eligible, select the checkbox indicating so. For more information, see Benefits Eligibility in the PAF Coding section of this manual.
Positions at the University
List all current position numbers and their respective Org Unit #, Position Title, Employee Subgroup, and Staffing %, being sure the total Staffing % is always 100%. Every employee, whether scheduled full time or part time, spends 100% of that time at one or more positions. The staffing percent of all employees is always a total of 100%. If the employee has one position, 100% of work time is spent at that one position. If an employee has two positions, for example, and works 15 hours per week at position-A and 10 hours per week at position-B, for a total of 25 hours per week, 60% of those 25 total hours is spent at position-A, and 40% at position-B (60% + 40% = 100%).
Planned Working Time
Enter the Employment Percent FTE which is generally equal to FTE unless the employee is an alternate work year employee. The percentage must always be greater than zero. For example, 1.00 FTE = 100% and .5 FTE = 50%.
The Hours Scheduled Per Week field must be completed for all BW employees. For example, .5 FTE/50% employment percent = 20 hours/week.
The Leave Plan Code designates an employee’s eligibility for leave, and if eligible, how they will accrue vacation and sick leave. See the PAF Coding section in this manual for a list of codes and their definitions.
The Contract Length Code is the SAP code that describes the number of months the employee is contracted to work and over how many months they will be paid. See the PAF Coding section of this manual for a list of codes and their definitions.
Relocation Allowance
Enter the Relocation Allowance from the employee's offer letter, if applicable. If an employee has been authorized an additional payment as part of their offer of employment, such allowances must be included in the signed offer letter. See the NU Moving Relocation policy for more information. If a relocation allowance is noted, a Funding Cost Object for the allowance must also be provided, even if it is the same funding source as the employee's basic pay.
Basic Pay
The basic pay Start and End dates are the dates that payroll will be effective. The From date is the first date of hire or the letter of offer start date. The End date is 12/31/9999 for permanent appointments, or the date provided in the offer letter if the appointment is temporary. For academic appointments, see the PAF Dates for AY 20XX-20XX document found in SAPPHIRE. For faculty and Graduate Assistants whose academic year/semester contracts require equal monthly payments regardless of actual semester dates worked, the From date is always the first day of the month. For MO employees, any dates other than the first of the calendar month will pro-rate their monthly salary.
The basic pay Wage Type controls a number of payroll activities including taxation and proration, and must correspond with the schedule and contract information in Planned Working Time (IT0007), and with citizenship status. For a list of basic pay Wage Types and their definitions, see the Wage Types table in the PAF Coding section of this manual.
For BW employees, the basic pay Rate is entered as their hourly rate of pay out to 3 decimals; if the employee will be earning different hourly rates on different positions, list the highest hourly amount only. For MO employees, the basic pay Rate is entered as the total dollar amounts for each wage type, so that each wage type is used only once.
Cost Distribution by Position
The cost distribution Start and End dates are the payroll beginning and end dates in which the funding shown will be effective. The dates in this section may or may not correspond to the actual appointment dates, such as with faculty whose academic year contracts require equal monthly payments regardless of actual semester dates; the Start date is the first day of the month in these cases. Multiple funding requests within a single period is done by using two or more lines with identical dates, or consecutive funding requests may be entered by using two or more lines with consecutive date ranges. When consecutive funding requests are entered on SAP, each period of funding appears on its own infotype with the dates shown in these columns defining the effective periods.
The Cost Center or WBS Element indicates the funding source for the employee's salary. Cost centers are 10-digits and WBS Elements are 13-digits.
Complete at least one funding source line for each current Position #.
Complete at least one line for each Wage type listed in Basic Pay IT0008 section of the PAF.
For BW employees, indicate the Hourly Rate of pay for the position listed on that line. The hourly amount entered here is used to calculate payroll. For MO employees, enter the dollar amounts to be charged to the preceding funding source and wage type. Be sure the amounts entered here correspond to the amounts on Basic Pay IT0008 exactly.
The % of Cost Distribution must always total 100% for each period of time shown in the date columns. If there are consecutive funding requests, for example, 01/01/202X through 06/30/202X with a change 07/01/200X to 12/31/9999, the percentage shown on the lines for January-June must total 100% for that period of time. Furthermore, the next line for July-12/31/9999 must total 100% for that period of time. Benefits, including FICA, are charged to the cost centers according to the employee's Cost Distribution. SAP requires that the last cost distribution shown always has a 12/31/9999 end date, even if the appointment itself ends.
Budget Funding
This section must be completed when the personnel action results in a change to budget. Select one of the options, Permanent Change, Temporary Change, or Salary Savings. A Permanent Change is an ongoing commitment and is carried forward into the next fiscal year (FY). A Temporary Change is for the current FY only, and the funding will revert to the permanent funding source in the FY that follows. A Salary Savings is temporary budget that is not consumed in the current FY due to a hire/change effective mid year, the employee being put on an interim appointment, or utilization of another funding source. When Salary Savings is indicated, the dollar amount of the savings should also be noted.
When a budget funding change is indicated on the PAF, appropriate documentation must also be attached. This can be in the form of an approved Budget Transfer Form or comments on the PAF that indicate the department's preferred funding source.
Total annual hours must be entered for BW employees only.
Paid Appointments
The paid appointments Start and End dates are the actual beginning and ending dates of the appointment, and reflect the actual dates worked. If the appointment is regular/permanent, the ending date should be shown as 12/31/9999.
The Position number is listed for each current position, one per line.
The Title Modifier is a 1-digit code used to qualify certain appointments. This field is left blank when not applicable. For more information, see Titles and Title Modifiers in the PAF Coding section of this manual.
The Annual Salary or Total Amount to be Paid is the expected total annual amount the employee will earn. To calculate an annual amount for an BW employee, multiply the hourly rate of pay by 2080 hours (full time for one year), and multiply again by the decimal percentage of actual FTE. If the appointment is less than a year, the Annual Salary may be further reduced to match the actual length of time worked.
The FTE % represents the actual amount of time worked relative to full-time.
Unpaid Appointments
List any unpaid appointments for the new or rehired employee. The Title field is descriptive and used to define any unpaid appointment, and the Title Modifier field is only completed if applicable. Provide an Organizational Unit Number for the unit associated with the unpaid appointment.
Additional Comments or Exceptions
Do not leave this field blank; include a general description of the New Hire/Rehire PAF action and intent, as well as any special instructions or information for the Approver and/or Payroll Services.