Benefit Percent

This infotype indicates if an employee is eligible for the NUFlex benefits program and at what percentage. If the employee is eligible for benefits, in most cases, the benefit % is equal to the employee's FTE. However, when the FTE percent is not an increment of 5, it is rounded up to the next such number (e.g., 72% FTE = 75% benefit tier). For detailed information about benefits eligibility:

Type of EmployeeBenefit Percent
Regular Faculty/StaffIf FTE is 50% or greater, the employee is eligible for NUFlex benefits program.
Temporary StaffIn general, if the employee is in a temporary position for more than 6 months with an FTE of 50% or greater, the employee is eligible for the NUFlex benefits program (excludes University contributions to retirement).
Temporary FacultySee employee's offer letter. Read more about faculty appointments.
On-Call EmployeesIn general, not eligible for benefits*.
Student WorkersIn general, not eligible for benefits*.

*In accordance with the Affordable Care Act, any employee that is working 30 or more hours a week on average must be offered healthcare benefits; this includes on-call and student employees. However, the plan offered to them is different than the NUFlex benefits program, and not comparable in coverage or cost to the UnitedHealthcare StudentResources coverage offered to eligible students.