Employee Subgroup (ESG) is part of master data, which is the data that defines the position. ESG is a two-character code. The first character is a letter and describes the category of employee; the second character is a number and identifies how the employee is paid, which also determines the pay cycle (1=salaried, paid monthly; 2=hourly, paid biweekly; 6=hourly Agricultural employees, paid biweekly; 0=unpaid).
In SAP, the ESG appears on IT0001 and IT9001. Knowing the employee subgroup of a position helps determine what PAF to use and the source of data for completing the PAF.
Employee Subgroups by Type of Position
Faculty | Staff | Student Employees | Unpaids |
A1 - Regular Other Academic - Salary (Post Docs) A2 - Regular Other Academic - Hourly (Post Docs) F1, F2 - Temp Academic (Lecturer/T - limited to one semester) J1 - Regular Specific Term Faculty - Salary (Tenure Leading Faculty) K1 - Regular Tenured Faculty - Salary L1 - Regular Special Faculty - Salary (Research Faculty) M1 - Academic Admin - Salary | B1, B2 - Regular Managerial/Professional C2 - Regular Office/Service - Hourly C6 - Regular Office/Service Agricultural Hourly N1 - Regular Administrative - Salary W1, W2 - Temporary Non-Faculty X1 - Temp Administrative - Salary Y1, Y2 - Temp Managerial/Professional Z2 - Temp Office/Service Z6 - Temp Office/Service Agricultural Hourly | D1, D2 - Graduate Assistants S1, S2 - Student Workers | O0 - Non-Working Without University Pay (Affiliate) V0 - Volunteer Without Pay |