Recurring or One-Time Payments PAF

The Recurring or One-Time Payment PAF is used to process recurring or one-time additional pay for active MO employees, and one-time additional pay for active BW employees, when a university cost object or WBS is the source of the additional pay.

EXCEPTION: Recurring UCARE Stipends for active BW employees are processed using the Recurring or One-Time Payment PAF and are the only recurring payment for BW employees that can be processed using the form.

A recurring payment or deduction is a payment or deduction applied to an employee's pay on a recurring basis. In SAP, recurring payments/deductions appear on IT0014.

Recurring payments and deductions constitute additional wage elements which are not always affected or withheld in every payroll period. Unlike additional payments, however, they do occur at a particular frequency. SAP enables you to specify the frequency (interval) at which such payments or deductions take place. The specified frequency is determined by the payment model and indicated on the PAF.

A one-time payment or deduction is a payment or deduction applied to an employee's pay on a one-time basis. In SAP, one-time payments and deductions appear on IT0015.

Additional or one-time payments or deductions constitute additional wage elements that are not usually accounted for in every payroll period and do not occur at a particular frequency. Instead, they are accounted for just once on a fixed date which is determined when the additional payment or deduction is created in SAP and indicated on the PAF.

Limitations for Use

  • Recurring payments for BW employees must be processed on an Update/Change PAF (e.g.: temporary responsibility pay) except for recurring UCARE stipends.
  • Summer sessions pay for 9/12 faculty must be processed on the Summer Sessions Recurring Payments (SSRP) form specific to that year. Changes or corrections to these entries must be submitted on the Summer Instructional/Research Recurrent Payments - CHANGES form. Refer to the Summer Changes or Corrections webpage (coming soon!) for detailed information about processing these types of recurring payments.

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