Employees with Positions in Separate Payroll Areas

Employees may only be in one payroll area in SAP, either BW or MO. Employees with both a MO and a BW appointment are kept in the payroll area of their primary appointment.

When the employee’s primary payroll area is BW, please contact Payroll Services to determine the best method to pay the employee for the MO appointment. The most common method is the One-Time Payment PAF.

If the employee’s primary pay area is MO, a PAF to add the BW appointment must be completed. Payroll will add the hourly rate for the BW appointment in SAP infotype 0554 (Hourly Rate per Assignment). The employee must complete a UNL Time Sheet, which is in an Excel format, and must be printed and signed by the supervisor. The time coordinator uses remuneration in CATS to enter the hours for the BW appointment.


  • Graduate Assistant (MO appointment) with an hourly (BW) position during the summer
  • Full-time salaried employee (MO appointment) with an hourly, on-call (BW) position
Time Entry

The time coordinator must use 2SAL/2NSL entry via CATS to enter the hours for the hourly position (see the Employee Remuneration Items (Entering Premium Wage Types) section of the UNL CATS Instructions.